The "Search Intersects" endpoint allows you to find intersecting geometries with the provided polygon within the provided collection. This endpoint accepts a polygon as input and search the within the provided collection for all the geometries that are intersecting the input geometry.
Proto Definition
service BGSearch {
rpc SearchIntersects (SearchIntersectsArgs) returns (stream SearchResult) {}
Input Message
Name: SearchIntersectsArgs
Attribute | type | Description |
collection | string | The name of the collection. |
lat_lng_bbox | LatLngBBox | The lat lng bounding box to find intersections with. |
polygon | Polygon | The polygon to find intersections with. |
controls | SearchControls | The search controls. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
return_geometries | bool | Controls whether the search returns geometries (it'll always return IDs). |
return_payloads | bool | Controls whether the search returns payloads associated with geometries. |
chunk_size | uint64 | Controls the number of geometries returned in each streamed SearchResult message. A number between 1,000 to 10,000 is optimal. If 0 is passed, it'll return the search result geometries one by one which is very slow. |
message SearchControls {
bool return_geometries = 1;
bool return_payloads = 2;
uint64 chunk_size = 3;
message SearchIntersectsArgs {
string collection = 1;
oneof search_geometry {
// LatLng point = 2;
// LineStrip line_strip = 3;
Polygon polygon = 4;
LatLngBBox lat_lng_bbox = 5;
reserved 2, 3, 6 to 14;
reserved "point", "line_strip";
SearchControls controls = 15;
Output Message
Name: stream SearchResult
Attribute | Type | Description |
geometries | Geometry[] | The result of the search operation. Can only be Geometry[]. |
message SearchResult {
message Geometry {
GeometryID id = 1;
optional IndexableGeometry geometry = 2;
optional Payload payload = 3;
repeated Geometry geometries = 1;
reserved 2;
reserved "aggregates";
Status Code
if a collection with the provided name does not exist.