Snowpark Container Service in Snowflake.
BigGeo Search is distributed as a Snowpark Container Service in Snowflake. This deployment allows you to get the most out of your geospatial data all within the governance of Snowflake's ecosystem.
Specific Snowflake deployment instructions can be found here.
Snowflake Native Apps Datascape Ai.
This guide covers the deployment of BigGeo Datascape AI in Snowflake. At the end of this guide you should have a BigGeo Datascape AI in your own Snowflake tenant running with your datasets.
Specific Datascape Ai in Snowflake Native Apps deployment instructions can be found here.
If using BigGeo with a NestJS server then gRPC Client will not send fields that contain underscore _ in their names unless the keepCase
options is set to true in the proto loader configuration.
Please refer to the documentation here.
Updated 9 months ago